2026 - Maha Maamoun
2026 - Maha Maamoun

"٢٠٢٦ " "2026" إخراج: مها مأمون Synopsis: Based on a text from the recent Egyptian novel The Revolution of 2053, by Mahm...

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Bahari - Ahmed Ghoneimy
Bahari - Ahmed Ghoneimy

"بحري " "Bahari" إخراج: أحمد الغنيمي Synopsis: One night, Amr wanders alone in the streets of Bahari, the marginalized e...

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Once - Nayla Al Khaja
Once - Nayla Al Khaja

"مرة " "Marra" إخراج:  نايلة الخاجة Synopsis:  Hamda, a young Arab teenager, plans to meet her boyfriend Saeed for the f...

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Ahmed 27 - Nermeen Salem
Ahmed 27 - Nermeen Salem

"أحمد ٢٧ " "Ahmad 27" إخراج: نرمين سالم Synopsis:  A young man is trying to get an ID. Director: Nermeen Salem Screenwr...

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It Was Related To Me - Mohammad Shawky Hassan
It Was Related To Me - Mohammad Shawky Hassan

"بلغني أيها الملك السعيد " "Balaghany Ayoha Al Malek Al Saeed" إخراج: محمد شوقي حسن Synopsis:  A complex relationship be...

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