"حواس " "Hawas" إخراج: محمد رمضان Synopsis: Souad is a young nurse who falls in a one-sided love relationship with a co...
The Frog - Shady Kodsi
"الضفدع " "Al Dofda" إخراج: شادي قدسي Director/ Editor: Shady Kodsi DOP: Micheal Magdy - Eslam Youssef - Ahmed Safy El...
A Bird On The Bridge - Ahmed Nabil
"طائر على الجسر " "Ta'er Ala El Gesr" إخراج: أحمد نبيل Synopsis: A video that was ignited in my head by the notion o...
Dream 79 - Islam Kamal
"حلم ٧٩ " "Helm 79" إخراج: إسلام كمال Director/ Editor: Islam Kamal Country: Egypt Genre: Fiction Year: 2011
El Shater Amr - Ahmed Ghoneimy
"الشاطر عمرو " "El Shater Amr" إخراج: أحمد الغنيمي Synopsis: Amr the perfect child obeys and follows orders as he is tau...
Remote City - Islam Kamal
"شالي غالي " "Shali Ghali" إخراج: إسلام كمال Synopsis: A trip through the desert to the Siwa Oasis in the Egyptian West...
The Clown - Marouan Omara
"البلياتشو " "El Beliatcho" إخراج: مروان عمارة Synopsis: A show based on the book "El Nas Dol" by author Ahmed...
Home - Belal Hosny
" بيت" "Beit" إخراج: بلال حسني Director/ Screenwriter: Belal Hosny DOP/ Editor: Mark Lotfy Art Director: Zeinab El Sh...
Slow Death - Hussein Al Maliki
" موت بطيء" "Mawt Batee" إخراج: حسين المالكي Synopsis: When you hear death saying "I'm coming," you reali...
Two - Mokhtar Talaat
"اتنين " "Etnen" إخراج: مختار طلعت Synopsis: A father and his daughter and the importance of their relationship. Dire...
Marimba - Amer Halasa
"ماريمبا " "Marimba" إخراج: عامر هلسا Synopsis: Sanad, a 24-year-old snobbish guy whose only concern in life is what br...
The Doll - Marouan Omara
"عروسة قماش " "Arousa Omash" إخراج: مروان عمارة Synopsis: A father let a rich old gulf man temporarily marry his young u...